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  • kierra45

Tonic Travels To Haiti As Artist Ambassadors

As many of you have noticed through our Facebook and Twitter posts, Tonic recently had the opportunity to travel to Haiti.

We were honored to be asked by Hard Rock International ( to join their delegation as "Artist Ambassadors" on their visit to some of the charitable organizations which they support in Haiti. The purpose of the trip was to gain a better understanding of the ongoing challenges faced by the people of Haiti, particularly since the devastating earthquake of January 2010, and with specific regard to sustainable food solutions for children. J/P HRO ( in Port-Au-Prince, MPP Haiti on the Central Plateau , the US Embassy, and related local organizations graciously hosted all of us to help provide a very personal experience and a direct understanding of the current situation. The trip also highlighted the annual Hard Rock "IMAGINE THERE'S NO HUNGER" Campaign, a collaboration with Yoko Ono Lennon and long time charity partner WhyHunger (, to see first-hand how funds raised from the campaign were being used to help develop and provide sustainable food solutions for the children of this challenged country. It was an enlightening experience for us, and we hope to continue our relationship with all of the generous people that we met on this journey.

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